الثلاثاء، أكتوبر 29، 2019

Microbiology specialist prometric exam 29/1/2017

 اعلان هام للقراء والمشاهدين بالرجاء والسماح داخل البلوجر الخاص بي (ehab10f) الضغط بالماوس فقط علي أي اعلان داخل المدونة أو أي صفحة من صفحات الاعلان للأهمية في إستمرار البلوجر في الظهور في بداية صفحات البحث داخل بحث جوجل لزيادة أعداد المتابعين لها ورفع مستوي المدونة بين المدونات الاخري أرجو لا أحد ينسي ذلك ولكم جزيل الشكر وفائق الاحترام لجميع منسوبي المدونة.ولسهولة البحث في جوجل اكتب فقط ehab10f لتظهر المدونة في اول صفحات بحث جوجل فتظهر بهذا الاسم :ويمكن البحث داخل البلوجر عن أي موضوع تحتاج أو تهتم به ويكون مكتوب داخل البلوجر ehab10f خالص تحياتي لكم جميعا د/ ايهاب

Dr. Ehab Aboueladab (PhD in Biochemistry)

Important announcement for readers and viewers please and allow within my blog (ehab10f) Click with the mouse only on any advertisement within the blog or any page of the announcement of the importance of the blogger continues to appear at the beginning of search pages within Google search to increase the number of followers and raise the level of blog among other blogs I hope no one forgets this and thank you very much and respectful to all members of the blog.
Dr. Ehab Aboueladab (PhD in Biochemistry)
It can search inside the blog for any topic you need or care about it and be written inside the blog ehab10f sincere greetings to all of you dr / ehab

ý Diagnosis of Enterobius vermicularis
ü Egg in perianal skin
ý Causes whopping cough      
ü Bordetella pertussis
ý Recombinant vaccine is
ü Different genes taken from bacteria
ý Pathogen cause rice-water diarrhea
ü Vibrio cholera
ý Selective media for Vibrio cholera
ü TCBS medium
ý Media used for carbohydrate hydrolysis and dihydrogen sulphide production
ü TSI (Trible Sugar Iron)
ü Dark purple
ý Tuberculin skin test is used for diagnosis of
ü Mycobacterium tuberculosis
ý Medium for Mycobacterium tuberculosis TB
ü LJ medium
ý Ziehl Neelsen  stain is used for
ü Mycobacterium sp.
ý The best method for diagnosis of TB
ü Culture on LJ medium
*Zeihl Neelsen staining
*Tuberculin test

ý Vi antigen is
ü Capsular antigen
ý Growth of vibrio cholera on TCBS medium produces
ü Yellow colonies
ý Viral infection transmission through feco-oral rout
ü Polio virus
ý Vector of leishmaniasis
ü Sand fly
ý Organisms produce gas gangrene 
ü Clostiridium perfringens
ý Gram +ve bacilli produce drum-stick shape spores
ü Clostridium tetani
ý Group A streptococci are differentiated from other beta-haemolytic streptococci by
ü Bacitracin
ý Selective media used for culture of Staphylococcus aureus
ü Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA)
ý Gram positive bacilli (chinese letters)
ü Corynibacterium diphtheriae
ý The most significant positive result in PCR
ü Mycobacterium tuberculosis
ý Large and mucoid colony on blood agar
ü klebsiella pnemoniae
ý To differentiate between staph and strept
ü Hydrogen peroxide
ý Sputum with positive acid fast bacilli you should tell
ü Physician
ý Colony taked from nutrient agar by wooden stick then puted in filter paper with oxidase reagent give purple color within 10 seconds
ü Pseudomonas sp.

ý No band are seen in PCR test the reason
ü Few cycles
ý You forgot to add primer in PCR the result
ü No PCR product (no bands)
ý CSF stored at temperature
ü ???
ý Stain for mycobacterium
ü Auramine –Rhodamin
ý HCV family
ü Flaviviridae
ý Detection of HBV by
ü HBV antigens
ý Shigella color on macConkey
ü Pale –yellow
ý HIV with meningitis what is the organism most suspicious of the following
ü cryptococcus neoformans
ý Resistant to 6.5% salt
ü Enterococcus sp.
ý Sensitive to bacitracin
ü Group A streptococci (streptococcus pyogenes)
ý Tapewarm
ü D. latum
ý This image resemble
ü Explosion risk
ý Basic media
ü Nutrient agar

ý Candida albicans cause infection in
ü Diabetic patients
ý Supra pubic urine cultured on blood agar gave 2 organisms (candida and gram negative bacilli), the count of each one less than 100 CFU/ml, antibiotic sensitivity test should be done for ….
ü Both of them
*Candida only
          *Gram –ve strain only
            *None of them
My answer was both of them because both of them are pathogenic and may cause UTI and the colony count in this case (less than 100,000 CFU/ml) is not important because the specimen is supra pubic urine not mid-stream urine
ý     سؤال عن نوع طفايات الحريق المستخدمة فى الحرائق الناتجة عن الكيماويات
* CO2
ü Dry powder انا اخترت دى بس مش عارفه الاجابة ايه))

ý  Immunodiagnosis       
جه منها كذا سؤال بس للاسف مش متذكراهم معظمهم عن الاجسام المضادة والطرق

المستخدمة فى تشخيصها

Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab - Email:ehab10f@gmail.com

Example for CV style

Your Name

Your Phone
Your email
Your Gender

Your Date Of Birth

Your Natonality

Your Phone

Your Address


I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Medical Lab Technology with more than five years of professional experience working as a medical laboratory technician for major hospitals including City Hospital. I am also a Certified Medical Laboratory Technician.

How to write career summary

·         More than 5 years of experience as a medical laboratory technician.
·         Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Lab Technology.
·         Certified Medical Laboratory Technician.
·         Well versed with various lab equipments.
·         Hard working, fast, team player, multi-tasked and dependable.

How to choose qualifications

·         Very good knowledge of quality control procedures.
·         Adherence to general laboratory standards
·         Very good knowledge of calibrations and assessing control value performance of different parameters.
·         Perform culture with blood, urine, motion, sputum, semen, throat swab, conjunctiva swab, cervical swab and vaginal swab.
·         Worked in all areas of the clinical laboratory including blood banking, chemistry, hematology, immunology, and microbiology.
·         In depth knowledge of medical terminology
·         Clinical Pathological Investigations
·         Very good knowledge of anti-coagulant usage for different lab tests

How to choose competencies

·         How to choose achievements

·         Weakness 1
·         Weakness 2

How to choose weaknesses


Bachelor of Science in Medical Lab Technology, Date
College Name, Location

Seconday School, Date
School Name, Location

·         If you have any honors from college, company or organization write here
·         Second honor
·         Third honor


Certified Medical Laboratory Technician., Date
Institute, Location


Biochemical Basis of Diabetes and Ageing, Date
Institute, Location

Chemical safety-MSDS and Spill Managment, Date
Institute, Location

Vacumised Specimen Collection System, Date
Institute, Location


City Hospital, From - To
Laboratory Technician

A summary of your role at this company. Two to three sentences maximum. Brief on the most important aspects of your job without going into much details. Mention one major accomplishment. Sort your previous jobs with most recent first.

Duties and Responsibilities
·         Collecting of blood samples.
·         Receives specimens and performs all routine and special tests in the different departments.
·         Records, reports and monitors all patient analysis data following proper documentation and procedures.
·         Accommodates all patients for proper instructions, preparation and schedule of test.
·         Calibrate and run control specimen prior to analysis and reports any deviation or equipment malfunction.
·         Records, reports and monitors all QC data.
·         Observes proper handling of specimen and safe disposal of biohazard waste.
·         Observes cleanliness of work areas every before and after procedures.
·         Troubleshoots malfunctioning instrumentation to ensure quality results.
·         Documents all maintenance and technical problems per established protocol.
·         Inventories and notifies the supervisor when supplies need to be ordered.

·         Haematology
Preparation of peripheral and bone marrow smears
Lesihman, JSB, PAS, Peroxidase, LAP, Giemsa
Examination of peripheral smears for TC, DC and Platelet count
Absolute Eosinophil count
QBC method and smear examination for MP and MF screening
Determinations of ESR by IRIA - Linear chemicals SL
Coagulation workup including PT, APTT, TT, and factor assays bleeding time and clotting time.
Clot retraction test.
·         Phlebotomy
Complete blood count (CBC)
Reticulocyte count
Reverse and Forward blood typing
Blood Smear for Malarial Parasites
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Cell count and differential count of various body fluids
·         Body Fluids
Pericardial Synovial
·         Clinical Chemistry
Diabetes Control Panel)
Metabolic Panel)
Liver Function Tests)
Cardiac Injury)
Pancreatic enzymes)
Chemical analysis of Body fluids)
·         Immunology and Serology
Hepatitis Panel
Thyroid Function Test
Tumor Markers
Infectious Diseases
·         Blood Banking (Immunohematology)
Compatilbility testing of Whole Blood and Red Cell Concentrate
Retyping of Platelet concentrate, FFP and Cryoprecipitate
·         Clinical Microscopy
Urine Specific Gravity
Urine Albumin
Bence Jone's Protein
Qualitative Pregnancy test
Urine Urobilinogen
Occult Blood
Direct fecal smear stool exam
Cellulose tape peri-anal swab

·         COBAS 6000 modular Analyzer
·         RA-50
·         COBAS C311
·         Elecsis 2010 Rack and Disk system
·         ERBA,CHEM-7
·         Vidas Bio Merieux
·         Biorad - Variant
·         Osmomat 030
·         ABL-80 FLEX
·         AVL electrolyte and Arterial Blood Gas analyzer
·         3 Part Hematology analyzer
·         SYSMEX KX-21N
·         5 Part Hematology
·         Coagulation analyzer
·         Urine analyzer

·         Microsoft Word
·         Microsoft Excel
·         Microsoft Outlook

·         Member of the Medical Laboratory Association since 2005




Reference Name
Reference Position or Jobtitle
Company or College working for
Reference Email
Reference contact number

Second Reference Name
Second Reference Position or Jobtitle
Company or College working for
Second Reference Email
Second Reference contact number

Third Reference Name
Third Reference Position or Jobtitle
Company or College working for
Third Reference Email
Third Reference contact number

 اعلان هام للقراء والمشاهدين بالرجاء والسماح داخل البلوجر الخاص بي (ehab10f) الضغط بالماوس فقط علي أي اعلان داخل المدونة أو أي صفحة من صفحات الاعلان للأهمية في إستمرار البلوجر في الظهور في بداية صفحات البحث داخل بحث جوجل لزيادة أعداد المتابعين لها ورفع مستوي المدونة بين المدونات الاخري أرجو لا أحد ينسي ذلك ولكم جزيل الشكر وفائق الاحترام لجميع منسوبي المدونة.ولسهولة البحث في جوجل اكتب فقط ehab10f لتظهر المدونة في اول صفحات بحث جوجل فتظهر بهذا الاسم :ويمكن البحث داخل البلوجر عن أي موضوع تحتاج أو تهتم به ويكون مكتوب داخل البلوجر ehab10f خالص تحياتي لكم جميعا د/ ايهاب

Dr. Ehab Aboueladab (PhD in Biochemistry)

Important announcement for readers and viewers please and allow within my blog (ehab10f) Click with the mouse only on any advertisement within the blog or any page of the announcement of the importance of the blogger continues to appear at the beginning of search pages within Google search to increase the number of followers and raise the level of blog among other blogs I hope no one forgets this and thank you very much and respectful to all members of the blog.
Dr. Ehab Aboueladab (PhD in Biochemistry)
It can search inside the blog for any topic you need or care about it and be written inside the blog ehab10f sincere greetings to all of you dr / ehab

Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab - Email:ehab10f@gmail.com

معلومات عن مزاولة مهنة التحاليل الطبية بالسعودية طبقا لنظام الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية

معلومات عن مزاولة مهنة التحاليل الطبية بالسعودية طبقا لنظام الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية من الذى يصنف اخصائى مختبر بالسعودية : 1 - كل من ...