الجمعة، مايو 28، 2021



ehab aboueladab - paper-https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2884-4902


    • Damietta UniversityDamiettaDamiettaEG

      2006-10-02 to present | Associate Prof dr of Biochemistry (Home Economics )
        Source: ehab aboueladab
         Preferred source
      • Damietta UniversityDamiettaDamiettaEG

        1998-01-26 to present | Associate professor  (Home Economics)
        Invited position
          Source: ehab aboueladab
           Preferred source

      Free sites for checking and correcting spelling and grammatical errors


      1. بوليش رايتينج polishmywriting: موقع متميز يقوم بمراجعة النص واظهار وتصحيح الأخطاء

      2. موقع ريڤرسو reverso: يقدم العديد من الخدمات من ضمنها التصحيح اللغوي والإملائي والترجمة وإعطاء المترادفات والعديد

      3. أونلاين كوريكشن onlinecorrection: من الإسم يتضح ما يتيحه الموقع من خدمة التصحيح اللغوي دون الحاجة لتحميل أي برامج

      4. جرامرلي grammarly: من المواقع التي تعطي أيضا خدمات لغوية متعددة من ضمنها الإملائية والنحوية

      5. جرامر تشيك grammarcheck: موقع آخر يقدم خدمة مراجعة الأخطاء اللغوية وتصحيحها

      6. ڤيرشوال ريتنج تيوتور virtualwritingtutor: يقدم الموقع خدمات لغوية متعددة من ضمنها تصحيح الجرامر والنطق، كما يمكن رفع ملف وورد كامل لتصحيحه.

      الأحد، مايو 16، 2021



























      Staphylococcus SPP.








      ·        Cocci.    -Gram +ve


      ·        Catalse +Ve


      ·        arranged in cluster of grapes


      ·        -most staphylococcus Non motile. Non sopre.


      ·        -most staphylococcus facultative anerobic.


      ·        -able to grow in media containing high concentration of salt.


      ·        -at temp from 18C-40C staph bacteria are present on the skin and mucous membrane of human.


      ·        -Opportunistic infections.


      ·        the outer layer of most staphylococcus cell wall covered with (polysaccharide capsule).


      ·        -Eleven capsular serotypes have been identified in S.aureus with serotypes 5 and 7 associated with majority of infection.


      ·        -peptidoglycan can form Half the cell wall of staph.


      ·        protin A can be used as specific identification test for S.aureus( not other Non coagulase staph)


      ·        -There are simple biochemical tests e.g (coagulase, protein A ,

      heat- stable nuclease , manitol fermentation) can be used to identify colonies ofS. Aureus and other staph.





      Staphylococcus aureus





      *  cause most Staphylococcal diseases .

      *  Gr + Ve Cocci .

      *  Non Sporing , Non Motile Cocci

      *Usually has capsulate .(polysaccharide)&slim layer.

      *  Facultative anaerobic .



      *  Humans ( nose , skin , mucous ) .

      *  Always present in hospital environment .

      *  Survives drying . Tolerant of Salts


      *  Direct contact .

      *  Airborne route .







      *Capsule= inhibits chemotaxis and phagocytosis. And facilitates adherence to foreign bodies.

      *Peptidoglycan= inhibits phagocytosis.

      *  Hemolysins = lyse RBCs

      *  Coagulase = converts fibrinogen to fibrin(clots plasma)

      *catalase= remove of hydrogen peroxide.

      *  Fibrinolysin = Digest fibrin

      *  Leucocidin = kills leukocytes

      *  DNase = hydrolyses DNA

      *       Protein   A   =    Antiphagocytosis (inhibits  antibody clearance) and anticomplementary.

      *  Enterotoxin = Vomiting & diarrhea

      *      TSS toxin-1 = produce leakage or destruction of endothelial cells.

      *  Exfoliative Toxin = Skin exfoliative




      *  Superficial infection(scalded skin syndrome) ( SSS )

      *  Surgical Wound Infection

      *  Toxic Shock Syndrome . (( TSS ))

      *  Toxic Food Poisoning . (( TFP ))

      *  Septicemia , Endocarditis , pneumonia .


      Laboratory Identification

      *  White or Golden Colonies on Blood Agar

      *  Catalase +Ve , Coagulase +Ve , DNase + Ve





      Staphylococcus epidermidis





      *  Rarely cause infections in health people .

      *  Gr + Ve Cocci .

      *  Non Sporing , Non Motile Cocci

      *Opportunistic pathogen.

      *  Facultative anaerobic .

      *Slime layer.



      *  Humans (skin) .

      *  Always present in hospital environment .

      *  Survives drying . Tolerant of Salts


      * Direct contact




      *  Lower pathogenicity than Staph. Aureus .

      *    Viscous extracellular slime = Enable the bacteria to adhere to a foreign surface .



      *  Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI )

      *    Prosthetic valve Endocarditis.


      *surgical wounds.

      *central nervous system infection.


      Laboratory Identification

      *  White Colonies on Blood Agar

      *  Catalase +Ve , Coagulase -Ve , DNase - Ve

      *  Sensitive to Novobiocin disc .





      Staphylococcus saprophyticus




      *  Gr + Ve Cocci .

      *  Non Sporing , Non Motile Cocci

      *  Facultative anaerobic .



      *  Skin

      *    Genitourinary mucosa .


      *  Direct contact

      *  Endogenous spread to urinary tract .




      *  Virulance factors unknown

      *    But , this bacteria has ability to colonize periurethral skin & mucosa .




      * Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI ): opportunistic infection.


      Laboratory Identification

      *  White Colonies on Blood Agar

      *  Catalase +Ve , Coagulase -Ve , DNase - Ve

      *  Resistance to Novobiocin disc .

      Streptococcus SPP


      - Gram +ve cocci

      -catalase –ve.

      -arranged in pairs or chains.

      -most streptococcus facultative anaerobic.

      -some grow only in atmosphere enhanced with carbon dioxide(capnophilic growth).

      -carbohydrates are fermented, resulting in the production of lactic acid.

      - most B-hemolytic streptococcus have group –specific antigen.

      -most (but not all) alpha-hemolytic streptococcus and nonhemolytic streptococcus (gamma) do not have the group –specific antigen.

      -PYR ( L-pyrrolindonyl-B-arylamidase)

      if positive(Streptococcus pyogenes) or negative (Streptococcus anginosus)


      -ASO tests useful confirming test for rheumatic fever or acute glomerulonephritis caused BY Streptococcus pyogenes.





      Classification of Common Streptococcal Pathogens



      Classification            Serologic Classification           Hemolysis Patterns


      S. pyogenes                                A                                             β


      S. agalactiae                               B                      β; occasionally nonhemolytic


      S. dysgalactiae                           C, G                                          β


      S. anginosus group                   A, C, F, G, nongroupable

      β; occasionally α or nonhemolytic


      S. bovis                                   D                    α; nonhemolytic; occasionally β Viridans group                                  Nongroupable                     α or nonhemolytic

      S. pneumoniae



      Nongroupable D



      α – β or Gamma




      Biochemical Identification of Common Streptococci





      Susceptibility Bacitracin Optochin

      Hippurate hydrolysis



      Bile solubility


      S. pyogenes*


      S             R







      S. agalactiae

      R            R




      S. anginosus

      R            R






      R            R





      S. pneumoniae


      R             S







      Viridans group

      R            R






      S= Sensitive R= Resistant

      Streptococcus pyogenes

      ( Group A , B hemolytic streptococcus )





      *  Gr + Ve cocci in chain .

      *  Non Sporing , Non Motile Cocci .

      *  Some strains produce a hyaluronic acid capsule .

      *  Facultative anaerobic .

      *Growth is optimal on enriched-blood agar media.

      *inhibited if the medium contain high conc.of glucose.

      *the basic structural cell wall is peptidoglycan.



      * Commensal in the throat or skin


      Direct contact Airborne route







      ·         M Protein = Antiphagocytosis [ Major Virulence Factor ]

      *T protein= unknown function.


      ·         Hemolysins = lyse RBCs.

      ·         Erythrogenic toxins = cause fever & rash in scarlet fever

      ·         Streptokinase = lyses Blood clot .

      ·         DNAse = hydrolyses DNA .

      ·         NADase = Kills Leucocytes .




      ·         Pharyngitis , Tonsilitist , Otitist media .

      ·         Erysipelae & lampotigo .

      ·         Scarlet Fever .

      ·         Rheumatic Fever .(ASO confirming test)

      ·         Endocarditis .


      Laboratory Identification

      ·         White small colonies on blood agar .

      ·         Colonies surrounded by Beta Hemolysis.

      ·         Catalase –Ve

      ·         Bacitracin Sensitive

      ·         PYR +Ve.



      Streptococcus agalactiae

      (( Group B , Beta hemolysis Streptococcus ))



      *  Gr + Ve cocci in chain .

      *  Non Sporing , Non Motile Cocci .

      *  Facultative anaerobic .


      *the surface protein (C protein)



      * Normal Vaginal ( 25% ) & Oral flora .


      * Direct Contact




      *  Virulance factors not clearly Identified .

      *  Capsule is major virulence factor if it is present

      .=Antiphagocytosis .




      ·         Neonatal Meningitis .

      ·         Septicaemia

      ·         Septic abortion .

      ·         Pneumonia.


      Laboratory Identification

      ·         Colonies on blood agar larger than S.pyogenes .

      ·         The colonies are buttery a narrow zone of B- hemolytic.

      ·         Colonies surrounded by Beta Hemolysis.

      ·         Catalase –Ve

      ·         Bacitracin Sensitive .

      ·         CAMP test +Ve

      ·         Hippurate hydrolysis +Ve.


      Streptococcus pneumonia

      (( Alpha Hemolytic Sterptococcus ))





      ·         Commonest pathogen cause pneumonia .

      ·         Lancet shape.

      ·         Gr + Ve Diplococci

      * Non Sporing , Non Motile Cocci .

      ·         Ploysaccharide capsule .

      ·         Facultative anaerobic .

      ·         Major cell wall structure is peptidoglycan (like all gram-positive cocci).

      ·         The other major cell wall component is teichoic acid.



      * Commensal in Human Respiratory Tract .


      * Droplet spread .




      * Capsule = Antiphagocytosis .




      ·         Pneumonia .

      ·         Septicemia .(Bactermia)

      ·         Meningitis ( Children less than 3 years & adults 45 years and above ))

      ·         Otitis Media .


      Laboratory Identification

      ·         White small colonies on blood agar .

      ·         Colonies surrounded by Alpha Hemolysis.

      ·         Can grow only on enriched media.

      ·         Can ferment several carbohydrates.(lactic acid)

      ·         Grow poorly in media with high glucose concentration.

      ·         Catalase –Ve

      ·         Optichin Sensitive .

      ·         Bile solubility Sensitive.





      Streptococcus viridans

      (( Alpha Hemolytic Sterptococcus ))





      ·         Gr + Ve cocci

      ·         Non Sporing , Non Motile Cocci .

      ·         Facultative anaerobic .

      ·         Do not have group-specific.



      ·         Commensal in the human upper respiratory tract .

      ·         Large Number are found in Oral Cavity .

      ·         Rarely found in skin because fatty acid in skin are toxic to them


      ·         Droplet Spread .




      ·         Attachment to tooth enamel & gums via various carbohydrates is important in establishment the colonization .

      ·         Ability to produce acid cause ---} Dental caries .




      ·         Dental caries .

      ·         Bacterial endocarditis (( Bacteria enter the blood stream as result of dental manipulation and attach to damaged cardic valves .

      ·         Intraabdominal infections.


      Laboratory Identification

      ·         White small colonies on blood agar .

      ·         Produce green pigments on blood agar.

      ·         Colonies surrounded by Alpha Hemolysis.

      ·         Catalase –Ve .

      ·         Optichin Resistant .








      اﻟﻤﺮﺟﻊ اﻟﺬي ﺗﻢ اﻻﻋﺘﻤﺎد ﻋﻠﯿﮫ

      Medical Microbiology

      Patrick Murray ﻟﻠﻤﺆﻟﻒ




      معلومات عن مزاولة مهنة التحاليل الطبية بالسعودية طبقا لنظام الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية

      معلومات عن مزاولة مهنة التحاليل الطبية بالسعودية طبقا لنظام الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية من الذى يصنف اخصائى مختبر بالسعودية : 1 - كل من ...