السبت، سبتمبر 14، 2019

الأدوية الخاصه بموانع الحمل - contraceptive drugs

الأدوية الخاصه بموانع الحمل  
contraceptive drugs 
وحبوب تنظيم الدورة الشهرية  :-أنواعها - استخدامها - مميزاتها  -عيوبها وتأثيراتها  الجانبية

تنقسم حبوب منع الحمل إلى نوعين هما:

النوع الأول :
حبوب ثنائية الهرمون المركبة (estrogen + progesterone )

النوع الثاني :
حبوب احادية الهرمون (progesterone )

باالنسبه للنوع الأول ثنائية الهرمون فأنها تحتوي على هرمون البروجيسترون والاستروجين مثل :

وغيرها من هذة الأصنا ف

الية عمل النوع الأول ثنائية الهرمون :

تمنع الاباضة
تجعل افرازات عنق الرحم غير قابل للاختراق من قبل الحيوانات  المنوية
تجعل بطانة الرحم غير مهيئة لانغراس  البويضة

التأثيرات الجانبية للنوع الأول ثنائية الهرمون  :

زيادة الوزن  احيانا عند بعض  النساء
اضطرابات في المزاج  العام
 احيانا  دوا ر
اكتئاب طفيف
ألم في الثديين مصحوب بتورم

موانع استخدام النوع الأول ثنائي الهرمون :

أثناء الرضاعة لأنها تقلل كمية الحليب لاحتوائها على الايستروجين عكس النوع  الثاني
هناك بدائل مثل استخدام حبوب
 نظرا لاحتوائها على نسبة قليله من  الايستروجين

الحمل ومن الضروري قبل الأستخدام عمل pregnant test

المدخنات من النساء ذوات العمر  فو ق 35 عام

امراض القلب  والرئتين
ومشاكل تخثر الدم
وتخثر الاوردة  العميقة
والنساء المصابات ب ارتفاع ضغط الدم  والسكري
وسرطان الثدي والرحم
الصداع  النصفي
مشاكل  الكبد

في مثل هذة يفضل ان تستخدم المرأة لولب لمنع  الحمل
والرجال عليهم استخدام الواقي الذكري لمنع  الحمل

تناول ادوية مضادات الحيوية من مجموعة pencillin النسلينات مثل  :
مجموعة ادوية cephalosporin

وان كان ولا بد  من استخدامه مع هذة الأدويه فمن الضروري الفصل بين استخدامهم بفارق وقت مقدارة ساعتين من اعطاء المضاد الحيوي المذكور آنفا

ممنوع استخدامه قبل او اثناء العمليات  الجراحية
ويجب التوقف عن حبوب ثنائيه الهرمون قبل العملية بأسبوعين الى ثلاثة اسابيع على الأقل

مميزات وايجابيات حبوب ثنائية الهرمون :

 اولا :تعتبر أكثر فعالية من الحبوب الاحادية

تقلل الإصابة بسرطان الرحم  والمبيض
ممكن استخدامها لعلاج تكيس  المبايض فهي ذو مفعول متميز  للأكياس
تقلل من ظهور حب الشباب ذات  السبب الهرموني مثل :
حبوب Diane
و progyluton

تمنع حدوث حمل خارج الرحم

تقلل من تشنجات والآلام المصاحبة للدورة الشهرية وتقلل من النزف المصاحب لذلك

 ثانيا النوع الثاني احادية  الهرمون :
وتسمى حبوب منع الحمل للمرضعات مثل  :

هذه النوت من الحبوب هي تحتوي على نسبة قليلة  جدا من هرمون  البروجيسترون

لهذا السبب ممكن استخدامها بامان فائق خلال فترة الرضاعة لانها لاتؤثر على كمية الحليب وباالتالي فأنها لا تؤثر على  البرولاكتين

الية عمل حبوب منع الحمل أحادية الهرمون  :

 اولا لاتمنع  الاباضة
 ثانيا تمنع وصول  و انغراس  الحيوانا ت المنوية في عنق الرحم وذلك لعدم  احتوائه  على مشتقات هرمون  الاستروجين

يمكن اعطائها في حالة وجود مشاكل صحية كأمراض :
ارتفاع ضغط  الدم
مرضى التخثر
الصداع و الشقيقة النصفيه

سلبيات وعيوب حبوب منع الحمل احادية الهرمون :

أقل فعالية من الحبوب ثنائية  الهرمون

حدوث حامل خارج الرحم امر وارد ذلك لأنها لاتمنع التبويض

من اشكالها الصيدلانيه  ايضا
توجد على شكل حقن  تسمى
Depo-provera vial
توخذ كل 12 اسبوع ويفضل بدأ المعاشرة بعد اسبوع على الأقل من اخذ الابرة لبدء فعاليته الدواء المحقون

الآثار الجانبية لدواء Depo-provera vial : 

ألم الثدي  مصحوبا  بالتورم
ألم شديد في العضلات والعظام تمنع الحمل لمدة 3 اشهر فقط

توصيات مهمه حول استخدام النوع الأول أحادي  الهرمون المانع للحمل :

1- الالتزام بنفس الموعد لأخذ الدواء احبة  يوميا
2- إذا نست المرأة موعد أخذ الحبة أكثر من 3ساعات باالنسبه لحبوب الاحادية الهرمون فمن الضروري اخذها حين تذكريها  مباشرتا

وباالنسبه لحبوب منع الحمل ثنائة الهرمون فأن المرأة اذا نست استخدام الدواء  اكثر من 12 ساعة  فمن الضرووووري  ان تتناول الحبة حين تذكرها  مباشرتا حتى  لو مر يوم كامل .

3- من الضروري استخدام الواقي الذكري للرجل لمنع الحمل لمدة أسبوع على الأقل سواء مع استخدام حبوب احادي الهرمون او ثنائي  الهرمو ن

طريقة استخدام حبوب منع الحمل أحادية الهرمون وثنائية الهرمون  تحديدا للمرة  الأولى :

أول يوم او ثاني يوم من موعد الدورة الشهرية تتناول  حبه
تناول حبه في نفس الوقت التي استخدمت فيه الحبه في اليوم  الأول

عندما يكمل  الشريط الأول من الحبوب تبدأ باالشريط  الثاني من اليوم الخامس من موعد الدورة الشهرية

Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab - Email:ehab10f@gmail.com

الجمعة، سبتمبر 13، 2019

The Best Scholarship Search Platforms

Big Future

The Best Scholarship Websites to Fund Your Education

he Best College Scholarship Websites


Scholarships.com offers quick and easy access to over 2.7 million free college scholarships. Over the years, they’ve provided access to scholarships with a total value of over $19 billion since its inception.
This site allows high school students, college students, and returning students access to millions of scholarships, grants, and other financial aid opportunities.
Using Scholarships.com is simple and free to use and only takes a few minutes to get started. Scholarship listings are updated every few months and the site offers all types of scholarships.
Registration is simple. Registered users can choose which types of scholarships they’re shown and can opt-in for email notifications about relevant scholarships to a person’s preferences.
Scholarships.com also offers a college directory and college matching service all at no cost for registered users.
Visit Scholarships.com today to start finding funding for your college education.


Peterson’s helps students and prospective students for their perfect scholarship(s) through over 5 thousand scholarship providers. This scholarship website provides $10 billion in scholarships, grants, fellowships, prizes & forgivable loans.
Peterson’s provides a simple interface with tools, tips, filters, and a short survey that will tie scholarships to your background, life experience and more.
Peterson’s offers access to a few undergraduate scholarships that are over $100,000 each. At the graduate level, Peterson’s offers over 82 scholarships over $25,000 each. The highest scholarship being offered by Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellowship at $200,000 per awardee.
The filtering capabilities on Peterson’s easily helps narrow down which scholarships will work for you. The more niche your scholarship, the better.


Fastweb was launched around 16 years ago and provides access to more than 1.5 million scholarships totaling $3.4 billion in awards to students over the years. The site has helped hundreds of students to find money for college.
Fastweb is free and easy registration makes it a popular destination for those seeking scholarship money. The site will match you with scholarships based on your strengths, interests, and skills.
Scholarship seekers can select specific criteria for which scholarships they seek such as amount, deadline, and types of scholarships. They also offer links to scholarship application pages.
One thing that sets Fastweb apart from its competitors is that they provide scholarship tips, career advice, financial aid information and resources, and a college search tool. This is truly an all-in-one site for paying for college.
The Fastweb scholarship database is updated every 24 hours or less, making it the most thorough and up-to-date scholarship search website. Once registered, users can choose to be notified, via email, of new or possible scholarship opportunities.
Visit Fastweb.com today and find a scholarship fast!


Unigo sets itself apart from the rest of the online scholarships websites. Their robust platform offers plenty beyond scholarships, including jobs, internships, college rankings and profiles, and more.
This site provides around 3.6 million scholarships totaling over $14 billion in awards. Unigo offers personalized results to offer you the best opportunities.
Unigo’s list of scholarships, awards, and grants can “give you fun, unusual, academic, need-based, student-specific, career, and even more types of scholarships.”
One of EDsmart’s favorite scholarships on this site is the $2,000 Zombie Apocolypse scholarship. All they require is a student’s “plan to avoid the zombies, where you would hide (or maybe you don’t need to), and the top five things you would bring to stay alive.”
Visit UNIGO today to find scholarships for all walks of life.


Chegg, formerly known as Zinch.com, is a newer scholarship website that has seen rapid growth due to the simplicity of their scholarship search tools. Visitors can compare different scholarships from all fields and industries.
Chegg is free to use and provides over 5,000 scholarships with a total value of over $1 billion in awards. Chegg is updated frequently so that students can quickly be first to apply.
Chegg requires user registration. Once registered, you can search scholarships that are most relevant to your goals and needs, including your age and stage of education. Registered users can organize and save scholarships for later viewing and application.
Scholarship opportunities cover a wide-range of opportunities including traditional and vocational schooling and even grad school. The site itself also offers a $1,000 Monthly Scholarship.
This site offers users the ability to search by zip code, cumulative GPA, and more. This allows students to find scholarships provided by local business, foundations, and associations—some of the best scholarships to apply for due to localization.
Once you have found scholarships for which you would like to apply, you can review deadlines and submission requirements. The interface and search tool are intuitive and easy to use. Registered users can also opt-in to receive reminders so they will never miss a scholarship deadline.
Visit Chegg to begin your college funding journey


Cappex is a free service that claims to provide “More Than $11 Billion in Scholarships.” Registering can be tricky but well worth it once you’re signed up. The registration process helps narrow down the best awards for you. Make sure to fill out as much as possible. The more information you provide about your college plans, the better your scholarship results will be.
Registrants get total access to college scholarships, college reviews, and tuition and admissions-related information.
This site offers its “What Are My Chances” tool, which calculates your odds of getting into certain colleges before you apply. They also provide a college comparison tool that allows you to add personal notes and rankings. Another helpful tool is the Cappex College Fit Meter which will instantly show you whether or not a college you’re interested in will be right for you.
Cappex has a rating of A+ on the BBB with zero complaints.
Visit Cappex.com


best_scholarship_websites_goingmerryGoingMerry is a scholarship platform that works with over 7,000 high schools and focuses on hyperlocal scholarships as well as third-party national scholarship.
Completing scholarship applications is free and easy. Students can fill out their information once and the system will automatically find scholarships for which the students qualify.
Their app allows students to quickly find and organize their favorite scholarships. Filtering allows them to search by category, deadline, completion time, award amount, number of winners, number of applications, location, and more.
GoingMerry is the best platform for school counselors. Counselors can host all of their local scholarships for free.
Many of the counselors that GoingMerry works with recommend them to their students over sites like FastWeb and others because they have built one place for all their scholarships–no more jumping around to different sites because GoingMerry houses them and students apply for scholarships via the GoingMerry college scholarships platform.
If you’re looking for other ways to pay for college, GoingMerry has a mountain of information to help with that too. Check out their Paying for College guide to get started.

Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab - Email:ehab10f@gmail.com


  1. Big Future (College Board)
As we all know, College Board is a major player in the college arena, providing valuable information about the SATs, AP classes, colleges and universities, and more. It’s no surprise that they offer a list of scholarships for students and have comprehensive search options to make the process easier.
  1. Broke Scholar
Broke Scholar doesn’t require any personal information to search for opportunities, and the search criteria is easy to use. They also have information on grants and fellowships, giving your student more options to explore.
  1. CareerOneStop
A college scholarship websites that proclaims itself as “your source for career exploration, training and jobs,” CareerOneStop has a lot of valuable information, including thousands of scholarships. Your student can easily filter the list based on their level of study, award types, where they live, and more.
  1. Chegg
We’ve always been a fan of Chegg, renting books from them for years! We also love their contributions to the environment, planting over 6 million trees to date. Their list of scholarships is highly searchable, including the ability to find scholarships that have online application processes.
  1. JLV College Counseling
Creating by a previous admission counselor, this list is one of our favorites. You can search by major, deadline month and more. You can’t filter by certain criteria like other scholarship search engines (i.e. GPA, SAT score, etc.) but we find most of the scholarships on this site to be legitimate, versus the sweepstakes ones we talked about earlier.
  1. Student Scholarships
Student Scholarships uses a variety of categories to organize their information, and a search bar also gives your child to search by their criteria. Handy career-oriented Q&A’s are also available, letting your child learn more about a range of professions (which is helpful if your child is undecided about their major).
  1. Tuition Funding Sources
While they tout millions of scholarships, we find the list is quickly dwindles down when you put in your child’s search criteria. Still, even if you find a few legitimate scholarships, the search engine makes it quick and easily to narrow down the list. It’s worth checking out.
  1. Unigo
Unigo’s list of scholarships, awards and grants will give you fun, unusual, academic, need-based, student-specific, career, and even more types of scholarships. Browse through their list and find new scholarships to add to your child’s college fund. Or use our Scholarship Match to instantly find ones based on your child’s criteria. They also have a tool to compare different universities.
While there are a lot of other options out there, these are some good places for your child to start their scholarship search.


Fastweb is one of the most discussed college scholarship websites based on the sheer number of listings available. However, while there are some great opportunities there, it also has a significant amount of sweepstakes that are masquerading as scholarships.
As mentioned above, a sweepstakes carries an inherent level of risk, and potentially a future full of junk mail or spam, so, if your child uses Fastweb to find scholarships, they need to do some research before applying. And, if anything seems suspicious, then they shouldn’t submit an application or give their personal details to the site.


Before looking for external scholarships at the websites above, it is certainly worth looking for merit scholarships they can automatically qualify for if your child hasn’t already chosen their university.
Merit scholarships are one of the largest sources of funds for college, making it possible to significantly reduce your child’s college bill, or even achieve a free ride.
We recently found this website, the Merit Scholarship List, that has aggregated merit scholarship information from universities all over the country. Wendy Nelson, a mother who helped her own children graduate debt free created this database and we are big supporters of it!
Access to the information costs $20/month but could save you tens of thousands of dollars. With this list, you and your student can search by a variety of criteria, including the school they wish to attend, state, or other options, like a talent they happen to possess.
The best part is you can filter for merit scholarships that they automatically qualify for based on certain test scores. This makes it an excellent resource for identifying merit-based scholarships for which your child may qualify.


Using websites, such as those listed above, is only one of several ways you and your child can find scholarships. Not every scholarship in existence is on these sites, so it pays to explore different methods for locating opportunities.
For example, local scholarships may not be listed, and those are opportunities that simply shouldn’t be passed up. Plus, scholarships from the university or college your child will be attending (those restricted to students at specific institutions) also aren’t commonly listed.
If you and your child would like to learn more about where to find scholarships, like the ones that aren’t listed on the websites above, sign up for our free college scholarship webinar.
We cover additional strategies to help your child find scholarships so that you don’t waste time on the scams or scholarships with little chance of winning.

Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab - Email:ehab10f@gmail.com

The top 10 websites for finding study abroad scholarships, let's check out types of scholarships you can search for

Merit-Based Scholarships. If you've been a super student throughout high school and achieved high marks in your classes, you may be eligible for a merit-based scholarship. All schools want smart, hard-working students, and they'll give you a scholarship if you're one of them.
Student-Specific Scholarships. Organizations offer scholarships based on personal characteristics--gender, race, family, medical history and other student-specific factors. The most common factor in student-specific scholarships is ethnicity.
Destination-Specific Scholarships. It's not uncommon for organizations to grant scholarships based on where you study. Once you've narrowed your list of locations down, start looking for scholarships specifically for that destination.
Subject-Specific Scholarships. Schools sometimes grant scholarships based on your enrollment in certain subjects. If there's something you're interested in studying during your study abroad experience, find out if your chosen school offers scholarships to study it.
Program-Specific Scholarships. This type of scholarship is closely related to subject-specific scholarships, inasmuch as schools are looking to fill specific programs that encompass a specific group of core classes.
10 Best Scholarship Sites for Study Abroad Students
EPro 360. Epro's knowledge of the American educational system provides resources and scholarship opportunities for international students who want to study in the United States. Unlike most scholarship services, EPro 360 targets international high school students in addition to college students.
Scholarship Position. Scholarship Position categorizes scholarships based on where an international student wishes to study. Scholarships are available for domestic and international students wanting to study at top universities in the United States.
Fastweb.com. With Fastweb, just enter your personal information and the site matches you with scholarship opportunities. Once you complete your profile, you'll have access to Fastweb's vast database of financial aid resources, including scholarships and part-time employment opportunities.  
Cappex. With complete profiles and scholarship information on every college in the United States, Cappex's direct connections with colleges finds custom fit scholarships and schools for students.
CollegeScholarships.org. Because many universities look to diversify its student population, college scholarships for international students are available. Many of these can be found on collegescholarships.org.
College Week Live. Millions of students use College Week Live to receive expert advice on getting financial aid. College Week Live has tools to help you research and connect with colleges and universities and get expert advice on the financial aid and scholarship process.
Global Scholarships for International Students. In addition to linking international students with scholarships, Global Scholarships for International Students provides information on how to find affordable colleges and universities in the US and specific regions in the US.
College Board. The College Board specializes in helping students plan for college. It's one of the more reputable college preparation companies in the United States. Its BigFuture website helps students find information about universities and colleges. Its scholarship search tool matches students with scholarships, financial aid, and internships.
Niche. Finding the right scholarship often depends on finding the right niche. That's the premise behind Niche, which lists scholarships based on your profile, using categories like major, the state you wish to study in, or your nationality.

Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab - Email:ehab10f@gmail.com

The Best Scholarship Websites to Find Your Funding

The Best Scholarship Websites


Best Scholarship Websites
Scholarships.com was originally founded in 1999, and now boats more than 2.7 million scholarships with a total value of more than $19 billion in value since its launch within its record database. Using Scholarships.com is simple and free and only requires a few minutes to get started. Listings are updated regularly and consistently every few months to help with informing students of the latest scholarships that are available to them that may be of interest.

Once you register to become a member of the Scholarships.com website, you can then choose which types of scholarships you are most interested in and that are most relevant to you. The site also gives registered users of Scholarships.com the ability to opt-out of any type of scholarships that are not interesting or useful to the educational path you have in mind for yourself in the future.


Best Scholarship Websites
CollegeNet.com is a service that not only works to develop applications and web-based events, but it also provides an entire search for students who are interested in seeking out updates and newly-promoted scholarships nationwide. The database is updated monthly at CollegeNet.com, giving students new scholarships to review and to vote on once becoming a member of the site themselves. The site itself has a licensing agreement to aggregate new information and content related to scholarships which are currently being offered in specific states, nationwide and even internationally through the Wintergreen Orchard House company.
The site itself also allows users who are involved in the community to vote on scholarships they want to have featured or promoted to go live. Scholarships that receive the most votes are brought to fruition for the users of CollegeNet.com. In addition to providing an array of various scholarships to browse through and choose from, CollegeNet.com also has a live forum for students from all across the country to join in on and participate in daily. Each week, the community online invites members to join in on various discussions, request comments and opinions. The student who earns the most vote within a weeks worth of time is awarded anywhere from $3000 to $5000 in scholarship money for the type of education of their choice, making CollegeNet.com a premium community for students seeking scholarship opportunities from home.


Best Scholarship Websites
FastWeb was originally founded and launched more than 15 years ago, and currently boasts more than 1.5 million scholarships and $3.4 billion in their database altogether over the years of providing scholarships to students nationwide. The site itself claims to have helped and assisted more than 50 students altogether with finding scholarships and applying for them.
Another reason to use FastWeb is that it is entirely free to use and to register to become a member, regardless of the type of scholarships you are interested in yourself. FastWeb also features the ability to browse through scholarships based on amount, deadline and the various types of available and what they require you to submit to enter or qualify for the scholarship yourself. FastWeb also state they will never sell or distribute your personal and private information to any company or another third-party without your permission and notification.
FastWeb is one of the best online scholarship tools and services to use when browsing for and applying for any scholarships you have in mind for yourself and future you desire for yourself after graduation. Using FastWeb is possible daily, as their databases are updated at least every 24 hours, making them the most updated scholarship search engine available to use to date and also setting them apart from all competitors who are currently on the market today. Once you register for an account with FastWeb.com with your own email address, you will then receive notifications of new scholarships that have been discovered by FastWeb.com daily that also meet your educational goals and criteria when seeking scholarships to apply for yourself.


Best Scholarship Websites
FinAid.com is one of the most well-known online resources for finding out more information regarding scholarships and financial aid you are qualified to receive based on your income, age as well as your previous education schooling you have completed. Although there is not currently a live search to find various scholarships that you are qualified for or that you may be interested in pursuing yourself, it is possible to seek out additional information regarding the authenticity of scholarships being offered and how to determine whether an opportunity is credible and legitimate before applying and submitting your own personal information.
Learning more about various potential scholarship scams as well as the tax liabilities you may face with different scholarships available today is also possible with the use of FinAid.com. FinAid.com is also a great resource to find more information about saving with prepaid college tuition plans as well as various savings accounts and plans available from loan companies and scholarship programs for students today. Getting educated on the entire process of applying for and getting approved of financial aid is also possible when browsing FinAid.com, providing all of the free resources necessary for you to ensure you are following all of the right steps and procedures to get the financial aid for the education you desire. You can also learn more about military aid and benefits with the use of FinAid.com

The College Board

Best Scholarship Websites
The official College Board was founded originally in 1900, making it one of the oldest educational-based organizations still in existence and thriving today. However, today, The College Board has transformed into a massive database of more than $3 billion worth of various scholarships that are available and that have been awarded to students around the world.
New scholarships are added to The College Board’s database annually, although any edits and changes that need to be made to current scholarships listed are done on a monthly basis to ensure students always have proper access to scholarship information available. It is also possible to receive an entire book of various scholarships and opportunities available near you with the use of The College Board.
Using the book version of The College Board is highly recommended if you prefer researching various scholarships you have an interest in more in-depth before making a decision, allowing you to do so even if you are not currently online or able to access the Internet.


Best Scholarship Websites
ScholarshipMonkey.com is another free online searching database available to compare different scholarships available and relevant to your own plan and path in education personally. Using ScholarshipMonkey.com is free and only requires a few minutes to register to become a member. The site itself claims to have helped more than 1 million students altogether to find scholarships and opportunities to help them with affording and attending the college of their choice.
With more than 4,000 sources of scholarships listed within the database of ScholarshipMonkey.com, the site itself has been able to help with promoting more than $3 billion worth of scholarships since its original launch. Although using ScholarshipMonkey.com, it is important to manually opt-out of sharing your information and personal data with other companies and third parties via email or by requesting your information be stored privately by sending a handwritten or typed letter. Once you become a member of ScholarshipMonkey.com, your information may be shared with other companies and educational institutions that are currently offering scholarships of their own.


Best Scholarship Websites
SallieMae is no longer only known for providing various loans for houses and students, but it has also become a resource directory for seeking out new scholarships that are potentially appealing to you and relevant to any career or position you want to fill yourself once you graduate. SallieMae has shared more than $18 billion worth in scholarships with millions of students since it began providing resources and opportunities to online users and students nationwide.
There is an official “Scholarship Search by SallieMae” now available to help you get started with finding the ideal scholarships for you based on the field of study you are most interested in as well as the type of college or university you have in mind for yourself once you are ready to begin attending school on your own.
Using the Scholarship Search by SallieMae is possible by first registering to make an official account of your own on the site itself. Once you have verified your account with an email verification link sent to your inbox directly, you can then log in to begin browsing for scholarships that are right for you and the future plans you have for your education. Once you join to become a member of the SallieMae website, you will immediately gain access to the actual scholarship searching tool as well as the college-planning calculator tool and letter analyzer for any type of letters you plan to send off to colleges and universities you are interested in attending.
Additionally, users who register to become members of SallieMae online to begin searching for and comparing different scholarships are also automatically entered into a monthly drawing to win more than $1,000.


Best Scholarship Websites
Zinch is one of the most recent resources available online to help with comparing different scholarships available in all fields and industries today. Using Zinch is free and easy, as the service has provided more than 5000 different scholarships worth more than $1 billion altogether. Zinch has one of the most updated and visually-intuitive platforms for students to begin searching for and comparing different types of scholarships available today.
Once you register to become a member of Zinch and you have verified your email address, you can then begin to browse for scholarships that are most relevant to you based on your current status as a student as well as whether you are interested in a traditional college scholarship or if you are seeking a vocational scholarship or even a scholarship to help you to attend the grad school of your choice. Zinch also gives users the ability to add their zip code as well as their cumulative GPA in high school to find scholarships that are most fitting and suitable for each individual member who has registered to become a part of the online community.
After you have searched for the scholarships that are relevant to you and your own educational qualifications and GPA, you can then review deadlines as well as submission requirements before applying fro any of the scholarships that are available to choose from yourself.

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Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab - Email:ehab10f@gmail.com

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معلومات عن مزاولة مهنة التحاليل الطبية بالسعودية طبقا لنظام الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية من الذى يصنف اخصائى مختبر بالسعودية : 1 - كل من ...