الاثنين، أكتوبر 21، 2019



Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab - Email:ehab10f@gmail.com

Best chemistry blogs for college students

A group of 16 bloggers — ranging from professors to researchers to graduate students — manage this blog, which features news, reviews, tips, and more. You'll find a lot of useful information with advice for the classroom, research and even the job search. There are also links to resources, books, and more. This is a thorough, resource-rich blog that offers a little bit of something for everyone.
This thorough, professional blog hosts in-depth discussions of chemical research and other news of interest to the scientific community. Researchers and students (both graduate and undergraduate) will find a great resource in this blog.
3. Carbon-based Curiosities
Two grad students and a "coblogginator” write this blog about organic chemistry with a mission to make the topic fun and build community. The blog includes personal experiences, thoughtful discussion, and links to a lot of great material. There is also an extensive blogroll by scientific interest.
This blog includes "Events on the world lines of two theoretical physicists, from the horizon to timelike infinity. A scientifically minded blog with varying amounts of entertainment, distractions, and every day trivialities.” Reviews, analysis, news, discussion and resources can all be found here. Posts are nicely organized according to scientific interest, topic, and category.
Chemistry and chemical research are the primary focus of this blog, which includes "ideas, experiments, data, publications, writing, education, current events, scientific policy, academic politics, history, and trivia.” Posts are published by a private community of blog authors, and no ads or blogroll are published.
The goal of this blog is to help other young professional chemical engineers. Posts talk about the author's experiences and research. There are also discussions about professional development and finding work, including links and job postings.
What often isn't taught — or maybe can't be taught — in college is professional behavior. This blog discusses rules for responsible scientific research, communication within the professional community, teaching, and ethics.
News, reviews, and discussions about chemical research and practices can all be found on this resource-rich blog. There are also many suggestions for activities or methods for teachers, but college students will find some of these suggested resources valuable, as well. There are also many useful links, including other topic-specific scientific blogs run by the same blog host.
Pop culture and technology are drawn into the ongoing discussion of chemical research and news in this thorough and authoritative blog. Some popular posts include Carbon Dioxice SolutionMelanotan Suntan in a Syringe, and Echinaccea and Swine Flu.
The editors of Nature Chemistry host this blog, which aims to foster a spirited discussion of the latest news and research in chemistry. Multiple authors contribute, and posts can be searched by topic and category. Some notable recent posts include Making More of MethodsBOSS: Minimal 'Enzymes' for Catalysis, and Taste receptors, chemical kinetics and equilibrium.
Chemistry World is a monthly magazine in the U.K., and this is its blog. News, opinions, and reviews can all be found here. Readers can also start their own discussion threads, and all the posts are moderated by the editor.
As the name suggests, the focus of this blog is Chemblaics, which uses computers to solve problems in chemistry. The process uses open-source software, open data and open standards.
Chemistry isn't the only focus of this blog — posts also cover chemical information and modeling, cheminformatics, drug discovery, and predictive toxicology. There are numerous resources on the blog, including links to companies, instructors, and workshops.
Learn about a molecule a day with this fun blog, which tries to connect chemistry with everyday things of interest to non-chemists. Some recent posts discuss brominated vegetable oil, anti-depressants, and fat dogs.
Students are sure to learn a lot from this blog, which posts synthetic procedures. The blog authors says, "The experiments were joy to set up+run, the purifications were a piece of cake, the crystals were shiny and the yields were terrific – or maybe weren’t but I liked the preparation anyway.”
A medicinal chemist writes this blog, which discusses chemical research (both the author's own and that of other scientists), methodology, and more. You'll also find relevant articles, links and resources, and some of the author's personal musings on the field.
Nine contributors write this blog, which chronicles research done for the UseefulChem project at Drexel University. Research focuses on the synthesis of novel anti-malarial compounds, and detailed notes are made available.
A medical chemist explores current research and news in chemistry. Some categories for postings include jobs, lab work, industry news, and Internet tools.
Despite the blog's name, you won't find a daily chemistry question here. Posts aren't published every day, and they don't always include a question. But they do explore chemistry problems and the author's experiences with learning chemistry. The author is a 16-year-old Romanian student whose passion is chemistry.
The focus of this blog is "quantifying the chemistry job market,” which, like many other fields, is bad. The blog looks at news and trends in the market and offers advise and discussion about how to navigate the field.
Organic chemistry is one of the focuses of this blog, which also looks at math, medicine, and biology. Some notable recent posts include 2 New Kinds of Genes. Who Knew? We didn't.A Chemical Gedanken Experiment, and Why Should a Protein Have Just One Shape or Any Shape for That Matter?
Here's another blog by a medical chemist, with a focus on medical chemistry. Posts often discuss advanced topics in chemistry, including the latest news and research. The author also shares many valuable resources.
Captain Skellett is a pirate and scientist who talks about her research, science in pop culture, news, and other items of note. She includes many useful links and resources, and she also hosts a number of YouTube vidoes.
A chemistry professor at Bryn Mawr College writes this blog, which began as part of a grant to write teaching materials for physical chemistry that incorporated modern research and "the culture of chemistry.” The author's research focuses on computational chemistry, and many of her posts reflects those interests.
According to the blog author Tom Tritton, "Periodic Tabloid is an ongoing record of Tom Tritton’s actions and impressions as he makes the transition from college president to president and CEO of the Chemical Heritage Foundation, a library, museum, and center for scholars based in Philadelphia.”

Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab - Email:ehab10f@gmail.com

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