الاثنين، يوليو 26، 2021

NEW Quick Medical Laboratory Sciences

 Quick Compendium of Medical Laboratory Sciences from ASCP.

-The NEW Quick Compendium of Medical Laboratory Sciences (or QCMLS) is the latest tool that ASCP is offering to students preparing for the ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS) and Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) certification examinations
BOC Interactive Practice Exam
-Available now for desktop and mobile devices, the new BOC Interactive Practice Exam enables users to build and complete custom practice tests based on topic area, difficulty level, exam type (MLS or MLT) and more, pulling from a library of nearly 2,500 study questions from ASCP.
MLS Online Review Course
-A competency-based curriculum designed to help U.S. and international medical laboratory scientists (MLSs) who plan on becoming ASCP/ASCPi MLS certified to prepare for this examination. The course consists of 10 interactive online modules highlighting key areas on the MLS exam, incorporating case studies, real-life scenarios, and feedback.
BOC Study Guide Enhanced 6th Edition
-The authoritative study tool for preparing for the ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS) and Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) certification examinations.

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