الأحد، مايو 16، 2021

Gram +Ve Bacilli
































Gram +Ve Bacilli






* There are 2 important clinically species :

1-   Bacillus (( aerobic and faculitative anaerobic , spore forming )) 2- Clostridium (( obligate anaerobic , spore forming ))

Bacillus anthracis              





*larg Gr+Ve bacilli. usually arranged in chain

*spore forming ,non motile bacilli.

*spores are oval , central& non-projecting

*capsule consists of polypeptide glutamic acid.

*  polysaccharide cell wall .

*faculitative anaerobic .

*  nonfastidious growth (( not need complex media ))

*highly infection organism



*infected animals, human are accidental host .

*spores remain viable for years in contaminated soil & resistant heat up to 150 C for hour .


*direct contact

*airborne route







*capsule =antiphagocytosis

* There are 3 extotoxin :-

- Edma toxin . – lethal toxin .

*antrax exotoxin = CNS distress , respiratory failure & anoxia

* Spore can survive in soil for years .




*cutaneous anthrax ( malignant pustule ) . fatal rate 10%

*  gastrointestinal anthrax .

*  inhalation anthrax .

*enteric anthrax (fatal rate 50%)

*pulmonary anthrax (woolsorters disease ) (fatal rate 50%)

*meningitis following anthrax bacteremia .


Laboratory Identification

(medusa head ) colonies on blood agar .

*McFadyean reaction (capsule stains red – mauve with loeffler polychrome methylene blue .


*  DFA Test : Positive . (( Direct Fluorescent AntiBody ))

*non hemolytic colonies .

*  capsule not observed in culture . but observed with Indian ink stain


Bacillus anthracis





·         larg Gr+ Ve bacilli , usually arranged in chain

·         Spore forming & motile bacilli

·         Spores are oval , central & non –projecting .

·         Non capsulated bacilli

·         faculitative anaerobes

·         nonfastidious growth(( not need complex media ))

·         Opprtunistic infection .



* soil ,vegetation , water , food includes cerals meat & spices


Foodborne route







·         heat stable enterotoxin = causes emetic gastroenteritis .

·         heat- labile enteroxin = causes diarrheal gastroenteritis .

·         spore can survive in soil .

·         cytotoxic enzyme : Destruction Tissues .




*  toxic food poisoning includes 2 types of infections : 1-emetic gastroenteritis ( severe nausea & vomiting ) 2- diarrheal gastroenteritis ( abdominal pain & profuse watery stool )

*  ocular infection

*  intravenous catheter .


Laboratory Identification

·         ( medusa head ) colonies .

·         complete hemolysis on blood agar .(( Beta Hemolytic ))









·         gram +Ve bacilli (( club shaped )) .


·         aerobic and faculitative anaerobic .


·         non spore forming .


·         non Acid fast .


·         non motile .


·         catalase +Ve .


·         most (( but not all )) Ferment carbohydrate .


·         high guanine and cytocine content .


·         meta chromatic granulces .

Corynebacterium diphtheriae  





*Gr+ Ve Polymorphic bacilli (club-shaped) .

*cells appear in chineses-letter arrangement .

*  non capsulate , non sporing , non motile .

*Facultative anaerobes .

*Ferment carbohydrate .

*  Most grow well in lipid free media .



Nasopharynx & occasionally skin of human


·         droplets spread

·         direct contact



·         Diphtheria exotoxin = block protein synthesis

·         Unknown Virulance Factors.




·         diphtheria :

1-      localized inflammation of the throat

2-      infecting organisms do not invade but rather elaborate an exotoxin that spreads through blood

3-      pharynx , larynx , & nose are main sites

4-      pseudo – membrane is formed & may lead to respiratory obstruction

5- mainly affecting infants over 1 year old children & young adults

6-   Endocarditis


Laboratory Identification

·         Specific media for C.diphtheria :- 1- cysteine tellurite agar

2- serum tellurite agar .

·         back colonies on blood tellurito agar

·         Use loeffler medium to recover C.diphtheria .

·         detection toxin by Elek test .

·         teelurite inhibit growth of most upper respiratory bacteria and gram negative rods .







·         gram +Ve bacilli .


·         non motile .


·         fastidious growth (( Need Complex media )) .


·         acid fast .


·         non spore forming .


·         aerobic .


·         Cell Wall Rich With Lipid (( making the organism resistant to most disinfects , detergents , common antibacterial )) .

Mycobacterium tuberculosis   





·         acid fast bacilli , slightly curved (ziehl – neelsen stain : red cooler )

·         cell wall rich with lipid (( making the organism resistant to most disinfects , detergents , common antibacterial )) .

·         non-capsulate , non –sporing , non –motile

·         obligate aerobes

·         highly infection organism



·         Strict human pathogen


·         droplets spread

·         direct contact

·         foodborn route (rarely)



·         capsule = Antiphagocytois .

·         Ability to multiply inside macrophages .




·         tuberculosis :

1- primary tuberculosis in lungs & lymph nodes 2- progressive primary tuberculosis

-tuberculous bronchopneumonia

-   military tuberculosis

-tuberculosis meningitis

-   bone & joint tuberculosis

-   genito- urinary tuberculosis 3- post –primary tuberculosis :

-T.B.remains dormant for years after primary tuberculosis

-it reactivates due to delayed hypersenseitivity

- it may involve all manifestation in progressive Primary tuberculosis


Laboratory Identification

·         rough , dry & yellow colonis on Lowenstein – Jensen medium after 2-3 weeks at 37 C

·         detection of acid fast bacilli under light microscope .

·         tuberculin skin test + kuantiferon-TB test = sensitive marker

Mycobacterium  leprae       





·         acid fast bacilli , slightly curved (ziehl –neelsen stain : red cooler )

·         cell wall rich with lipid (( making the organism resistant to most disinfects , detergents , common antibacterial )) .

·         non-capsulate , non –sporing , non –motile

·         obligate aerobes



Strict human pathogen


·         direct contact

·         airborne spread

·         incidence of disease in contact is low

·         spread in the community is slow




·         principal target cell for this bacterium is schwann cell

·         this bacteria causes anaesthesia & miscle paralysis




·         leprosy :

1-      slow , chronic &progressive infection

2-      minaly affects the skin & peripheral nerves

3-      long incubation period , usually form 3- 5 years 4- tow forms of leprosy :

-lepromatous (lesions spread & involve mucous membrane . this form is progressive & severe , large number of bacteria are found in the body which acts as kind of unlimited culture medium )

- tuberculoid (lesions are localized & tend to be

bening , this form is self – healing )


Laboratory Identification

·         no growth on Lowenstein – Jensen medium

·         detection of acid fast bacilli in smears or secretion from lesions

·         diagnosis with specific skin test .

·         Microscope sensitive to : lepromatous .


Clostridium SPP


(Anaerobic, spore-forming,Gram-positive Rods)


-All anaerobic, gram-positive rods capable of forming endospores was placed in the genus (Clostridium).


-Clostridium spp was defined by four properties 1)presence of endospores.

2)strict(obligate) anaerobic. 3)inability to reduce sulfate to sulfite. 4)gram-positive cell wall structure.


-the Clostridium are ubiquitous in soil, water, and sewage and part of the normal flora in gastrointestinal tract of animal and human.


Clostridium tetani





·         larg Gr+ Ve bacilli

·         sporing , motile bacilli

·         spores are spherical , terminal ( drumstick )

·         non capsulate bacilli

·         obligate anaerobes

·         difficult to grow.because the organism is extremely sensitive to oxygen toxicity.

·         Not ferment carbohydrates.



·         soil & commensal in intestinal tract of animal .

·         spore remain viable after dry heat up to 160 C for 1 hour .


Via major or minor wounds .







·         tetanolysin ( exotoxin) = lyses erythrocytes .

·         tetanospasmin ( exotoxin ) = neurotoxin that affects CNS causing muscular rigidty and spasns .

·         spore formation.




*tetanus ( human & animals) 1- generalized tetanus

2-localized tetanus 3-neonatal tetanus


Laboratory Identification

·         swarming colonies on blood agar

·         detection of neurotoxin by serological method .


Clostridium perfringens





·         relatively larg Gr + Ve bacilli , usually arranged in chain

·         non motile bacilli & capsulate bacilli

·         spores are oval , subterminal & non – projecting

·         spores rarely seen in infected materials

·         anaerobes , but it can tolerate exposure to air for short time

·         hemolytic in culture.

·         Replicate rapidly

·         Type A is responsible for most human disease.



·         soil & water & intestinal tract of human and animals

·         bacteria & spores common contaminants of raw meats

·         spores remain viable after heat up to 100 C for up

to 3 hours


·         direct contact

·         endogenous spread

·         foodborne route




·         alpha toxin = destroys cell membranes

·         enterotoxin = associated with food – poisoning

·         DNAse = hydrolyses DNA




·         gas gangrene

·         food poisoning

·         septicemia.

·         Soft- tissue infections.




Laboratory Identification

·         beta hemolytic colonies on blood agar

·         entire edge for colonies on blood agar

·         detection of alpha toxin via the nagler reaction

Clostridium difficile





·         larg Gr+ Ve bacilli usually arranged in chain

·         sporing , motile bacilli

·         spores are oval

·         obligate anaerobes

·         part of the normal intestinal flora



Soil & water & intestinal contents of various animals . Faeces of 3-5 % of healthy adults.

Regularly , present in faeces of healthy adult infant .


Endogenous spread . Faecal – oval route







·         toxin A ( enterotoxin) = antiphagocytosis

·         toxin B ( cytotoxin )




·         pseudo – membranous colitis

·           antibiotic- associated diarrhoea




Laboratory Identification

·         difficult to isolate in ordinary media

·         detection toxins in faeces

Clostridium botulinum        





·         larg Gr +Ve bacilli

·         sporng , motile bacilli

·         sporing are oval , terminal or subterminal & projecting

·         non capsulate bacilli

·         obligate anaerobes

·         fastidious growth.



·         soil , vegetable & fruits are the normal habitat

·         canned products

·         spores remain viable after heat up to 100 C for up to 3 hours


Foodborne route





·         spore formation

·         Botulinum toxin

·         Binary toxin.




·         botulism

1- this food poisoning is intoxication rather than an infection .

*Food borne botulism

*infant botulism

*inhalation botulism


Laboratory Identification

*irregulary round colonies on blood agar

* detection of toxin in the food or serum from the patient is the way of confirming the diagnosis




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