السبت، أكتوبر 02، 2021

AD الفهرس العلمي 2021 - AD Scientific Index 2021


AD الفهرس العلمي 2021

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 أخبار AD العلمية

اطبع شهادتك  القائمة الحمراء  تصنيفات الإنتاجية  المجموع 13.542 جامعة ، 206 دولة ، 708.703 علماء  أهم 10.000 تقرير: العالم ، آسيا ، أفريقيا ، أوروبا ، أمريكا الشمالية ، أمريكا اللاتينية ، أوقيانوسيا  كيف يمكنني ضمني في "فهرس AD العلمي"؟



يعد ترتيب المجلات الأكاديمية وفقًا لعامل التأثير ممارسة بدأت منذ سنوات عديدة. أدت الحاجة إلى الوصول إلى دراسات ذات قيمة علمية في غضون أطر زمنية محدودة أو الحاجة إلى العثور على علماء يعملون في مجال معين إلى إجراء تصنيف العلماء والدراسات العلمية. لهذا الغرض ، تمت دراسة العديد من أنظمة التسجيل مثل مؤشر h و i10 و g-index و m-index ورقم Erdös ومؤشر توري ومؤشر riq ومؤشر read-10 كمؤشرات رقمية توضح مدى إنتاجية و الباحث الفعال. كل من هذه الأنظمة له العديد من المزايا وكذلك العيوب. من بين الفهارس المذكورة أعلاه ، فإن المؤشر الأكثر قبولًا هو مؤشر h. يتم تحديد مؤشر h بناءً على عدد المقالات التي تم الاستشهاد بها على الأقل h مرة. من أجل تحقيق مؤشر h مرتفع ،يجب أن يكون للأكاديمي عدد كبير من المقالات المنشورة وتلقى عددًا كبيرًا من الاستشهادات. على سبيل المثال ، تشير قيمة مؤشر h البالغة 15 إلى أن الأكاديمي قد تلقى ما لا يقل عن 15 اقتباسًا لكل مقالة من المقالات الـ 15 المنشورة. من أجل زيادة قيمة مؤشر h من 15 إلى 16 ، يجب أن يتلقى الأكاديمي نفسه ما لا يقل عن 16 اقتباسًا من 16 ورقة منشورة. للعثور على قيمة مؤشر h ، يمكن استخدام العديد من قواعد البيانات بما في ذلك الباحث العلمي من Google و Web of Science و Scopus و Publons ، وبعضها عام أو يتطلب اشتراكًا. في حساب فهارس h ، تستخدم قواعد البيانات هذه معلمات مختلفة بما في ذلك SCI-E أو المجلات المفهرسة أو العناصر المساعدة غير المفهرسة مثل المجلات أو الكتب أو براءات الاختراع الأخرى. لأن مجموعة المعلمات المستخدمة من قبل كل قاعدة بيانات مختلفة عن تلك المستخدمة من قبل الآخرين ،قد تحسب كل قاعدة بيانات قيم مؤشر h مختلفة. لذلك ، قد تكون فهارس h المحسوبة بواسطة كل من قواعد بيانات الباحث العلمي من Google و Web of Science و Scopus و Publons مختلفة لنفس الباحث. على سبيل المثال ، قد يحصل الباحث ، الذي ألف عدة كتب أكثر من الأوراق العلمية ، على درجة منخفضة في مؤشر h في شبكة العلوم على الرغم من تلقي عدد كبير من الاستشهادات. لا يكافئ أي من هذين الفهرين الآخر بسبب الاختلافات في نطاقاتهما.لا يكافئ أي من هذين الفهرين الآخر بسبب الاختلافات في نطاقاتهما.لا يكافئ أي من هذين الفهرين الآخر بسبب الاختلافات في نطاقاتهما.

يشير وجود عدد كبير من المنشورات إلى أن الباحث منتج ، ولكن البيانات وحدها قد لا تكون المؤشر الفعلي لنجاح الباحث. على سبيل المثال ، قد يكون للباحث 10 منشورات تلقت 400 اقتباس. يمكننا القول أن هذا الباحث أكثر نجاحًا من الباحث الذي لديه أكثر من مائة بحث منشور تلقى ، لنقل ، 200 اقتباس. إلى جانب ذلك ، قد لا تُنسب بعض الدراسات القيمة القيمة الفعلية التي تستحقها لأسباب مختلفة مثل فشل استخدام الأساليب المناسبة التي من شأنها أن تتيح سهولة الوصول من خلال القنوات العلمية. يُظهر العدد الكبير من استخدام الأوراق كمراجع من قبل مؤلفين آخرين قيمة ومدى المساهمة في الأدبيات العلمية.

مؤشر i10 هو نظام تسجيل أكاديمي آخر ، حيث يتم حساب الدرجات بواسطة الباحث العلمي من Google. في نظام التسجيل هذا ، يتم أخذ الدراسات العلمية فقط مثل المقالات والكتب التي تلقت 10 اقتباسات أو أكثر في الاعتبار. عدد الدراسات التي تم الاستشهاد بها عشر مرات أو أكثر ينتج عن قيمة مؤشر i10. لا يُظهر مؤشر i10 وقيم مؤشر h المحسوبة للسنوات الخمس الماضية أن المقالة قد تمت كتابتها ونشرها في السنوات الخمس الماضية. بدلاً من ذلك ، تُظهر هذه القيم قوة الاقتباس في السنوات الخمس الماضية ، مما يشير إلى ما إذا كانت الورقة لا تزال فعالة.

يوفر الباحث العلمي من Google كلاً من القيم الإجمالية لمؤشر i10 ومؤشر h وأرقام الاقتباس جنبًا إلى جنب مع قيم السنوات الخمس الماضية من خلال نظام يعتمد على مبدأ الطوعية. في هذا النظام ، يقوم العلماء بإنشاء حساباتهم واختيار أوراقهم وتحميل الأوراق المختارة على النظام. هذه الخدمة لا تتطلب كلمة مرور وهي مجانية. هنا ، نقدم فهرسًا تم تطويره حديثًا قمنا بتطويره بناءً على الملفات الشخصية العامة للعلماء في الباحث العلمي من Google. أطلقنا على هذا النظام الجديد " مؤشر AD العلمي" ، والذي قمنا بتطويره من خلال بنية تحتية فكرية قوية وبذل أقصى الجهود التي تهدف إلى المساهمة في الجهود العلمية العالمية.

لماذا هناك حاجة إلى "فهرس AD العلمي"؟

" مؤشر AD العلمي " هو  الدراسة الأولى والوحيدة التي تُظهر إجمالي معاملات الإنتاجية للعلماء وآخر خمس سنوات بناءً على درجات مؤشر h و i10 والاستشهادات في الباحث العلمي من Google. علاوة على ذلك ، يوفر المؤشر تصنيف العلماء وتقييمهم في الموضوعات والفروع الأكاديمية وفي 13600 جامعة و 206 دولة ومنطقة والعالم. بمعنى آخر ، يوفر "مؤشر AD العلمي" نتائج الترتيب والتحليل.

"فهرس AD العلمي" (فهرس ألبير دوجر العلمي):

تم تطوير هذا المؤشر الجديد من قبل الأستاذ الدكتور مراد ألبير (MD) والبروفيسور المساعد الدكتور جيهان DÖĞER (MD) باستخدام إجمالي وقيم السنوات الخمس الأخيرة لمؤشر i10 ومؤشر h ودرجات الاقتباس في منحة جوجل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يتم استخدام نسبة قيمة السنوات الخمس الماضية إلى إجمالي قيمة المؤشرات المذكورة أعلاه. باستخدام ما مجموعه تسعة معلمات ، يُظهر "مؤشر AD العلمي" ترتيب العالم الفردي حسب 12 مادة ( الزراعة والغابات ، والفنون ، والتصميم والهندسة المعمارية ، والأعمال والإدارة ، والاقتصاد والاقتصاد القياسي ، والتعليم ، والهندسة والتكنولوجيا ، والتاريخ ، الفلسفة واللاهوت ، القانون / قانون والدراسات القانونية، العلوم الطبية والصحية ، العلوم الطبيعية ، العلوم الاجتماعية ،  و آخرون )، 256 فروع، 13600 مؤسسات العمل، 206 بلدا، 11 منطقة ( أفريقيا ، آسيا ، أوروبا ، أمريكا الشمالية ، أمريكا اللاتينية ، أوقيانوسيا ، Leageu العربية ، EECA ، البريكس ، أوسان ،  و الكوميسا )، وفي العالم. وبالتالي ، يمكن للعلماء الحصول على تصنيفاتهم الأكاديمية ومراقبة التطورات في الترتيب بمرور الوقت.  

جمع البيانات وتوحيدها:

C البيانات ollecting مقرها يدويا على الترتيب من الباحث العلمي من Google، لمحات مع ما يصل إلى 300 الاستشهادات وعناوين التحقق منها لمحات أن الثقة بناء على دقتها وترد في المقام الأول. وبالتالي ، فهو يهدف إلى توحيد الأسماء والمؤسسات والفروع قدر الإمكان. تسببت البيانات غير الموحدة بما في ذلك مجموعة واسعة من الاختلافات في المعلومات واستخدام الاختصارات ومجموعة متنوعة من اللغات في صعوبات. إجراء التنقيب عن البيانات والتدقيق في المعلومات المكتسبة ، تم استبعاد العديد من الملفات الشخصية من الفهرس. علاوة على ذلك ، تم استبعاد بعض الملفات الشخصية أثناء الفحص المنتظم للبيانات فصاعدًا. يتطلب تنظيف البيانات إجراء عملية منتظمة يتم تنفيذها بدقة. نرحب بمساهماتك في تنظيف البيانات وضمان دقتها.

قد يبدو تحديد الموضوعات / الأقسام التي تنتمي إليها المجالات العلمية أمرًا سهلاً في بعض الفروع وفي مجموعة متنوعة من البلدان. ومع ذلك ، فقد يؤدي ذلك إلى حدوث ارتباك كبير في بعض البلدان والمناطق والمدارس الأخرى. نود التأكيد على أن المجالات التالية بما في ذلك الهندسة والعلوم الطبيعية والبيئية والبيولوجيا والكيمياء الحيوية وعلوم المواد والكيمياء والعلوم الاجتماعية قد توجد في أطياف متغيرة تمامًا في بلدان مختلفة. لذلك نود أن نؤكد أن توحيد الموضوعات والفروع لم يكن بالأمر السهل. لإجراء التوحيد ، قبلنا الأسماء الرسمية للمؤسسات والفروع الأكاديمية على أنها دقيقة بالطريقة التي تم تحديدها بها على موقع الجامعة. لقد طورنا هذه الاستراتيجية من أجل توحيد هذا الوضع المعقد جزئيًا على الأقل.

الدراسات التي تؤثر على ترتيب الترتيب بسبب العدد الكبير من الاقتباسات المتلقاة ، بطريقة مشابهة لـ CERN:

بدأنا إجراء لإضافة علامة النجمة كـ " * " في نهاية أسماء المؤلفين عندما تضمنت ورقة علمية مهمة العديد من المؤلفين مثل CERN و ATLAS و ALICE و CMS والبيانات الإحصائية والمبادئ التوجيهية والتحديثات وما إلى ذلك من الأوراق العلمية . نعتقد أنه سيتم تحديد معايير جديدة ليتم تنفيذها لمثل هذه الدراسات. حتى يتم وصف معايير أخرى ، قمنا بتمييز هذه الدراسات بعلامة " * ". 

معلومات الملف الشخصي والمسؤولية الأخلاقية:

The ethical responsibility for the correct profile information rests entirely with the relevant scientist. However, we think that it would be prudent for institutions, countries, and even branch associations to conduct periodic reviews of scientist profiles affiliated to the respective organization since misleading information may compromise the reputation of the organization or the country. Organizations should also review profiles to identify and report scientists, who are not affiliated with the respective institution. In order to avoid any compromise to the institutional reputation, institutions should take necessary corrective and preventive actions against published scientist profiles arranged unethically.

Data Cleaning and the Redlist

Data cleaning is a dynamic process that we systemically perform continuously. Despite all our best efforts, we may not be completely accurate and we welcome your contributions to the redlist notifications. Rarely, some scientists are included in the redlist due to innocent mistakes with good intentions and no unethical behavior. Most errors result from inadequate periodic profile checks. However, the correction of such an error is easy through the submission of a correction request. In order to avoid such an undesirable situation to occur, scientists should regularly check their profiles and institutions should review the profiles of the staff systematically.

Ranking Criteria:

Ranking of scientists by the university, country, region, and in the world was performed based on the “total h-index”. The “total h-index” was used in rankings by the branch and the subbranch.

The ranking criteria based on the “total h-index” scores were used in the following order: Firstly, the “total h-index” scores; secondly, the total number of citations; and thirdly, the “total i10 index” scores (1. Total h-index scores, 2. Total number of citations, 3. Total i10 index scores, 4. Last 5 years’ h-index scores).

Ranking based on the last 5 years’ h-index scores was performed using criteria in the following order: 1. Last 5 years’ h-index scores, 2. Number of citations in the last 5 years, 3. Last 5 years’ i10 index scores, 4- Total h-index scores.  

The ranking criteria for the total i10 index were used in the following order: 1. Total i10 index scores, 2. Total h-index scores, 3. Total number of citations, and 4. Last 5 years’ i10 index scores.

Ranking based on the last 5 years’ i10 index scores was performed using the criteria in the following order: 1. Last 5 years’ i10 index scores, 2. Last 5 years’ h-index scores, 3. Number of citations in the last 5 years and 4. Total i10 index scores.

Ranking based on the total number of citations was performed using the criteria in the following order: 1. Total number of citations, 2. Total h-index scores, 3. Total i10 index scores and 4. Number of citations in the last 5 years.

Ranking based on the total number of citations in the last 5 years was performed using the criteria in the following order: 1: Number of citations in the last 5 years, 2. Last 5 years’ h-index scores, 3: Last 5 years’ i10 index scores and 4. Total number of citations

Why are the last 5 years’ ratios / total ratios important?

The h-index, i10 index, and citation the last 5-year ratios/total ratios are major unique characteristics of the AD Scientific Index, showing both the development in the individual performance of the scientist and the reflections of the institutional policies of universities onto the overall scientific picture.

Productivity Rankings

Productivity Rankings is a unique service offered only by “AD Scientific Index”. This is a ranking system derived from the i10 index in order to show the productivity of the scientist in publishing scientific articles of value. Productivity Rankings is an instrument that lists productive scientists in a given area, discipline, university, and country and can guide the development of meaningful incentives and academic policies. The world rankings, regional rankings, and university rankings of scientists in this table are developed based on the total i10 index.

Academic collaboration

Scientific fields of interest specified in the profiles of scientists are available for other scientists from different countries and institutions to enable academic collaboration.

 Ranking Criteria for Top Universities:

In the presence of many different university ranking systems, as the "AD Scientific Index", we have developed a ranking system with a different methodology based on the principle of including only meritorious scientists. Based on Google Scholar’s total h-index scores, we have listed all academicians, who are ranked in the world in the top 10,000 and top 100,000 in university rankings. Furthermore, we have listed the breakdown of this ranking by main subjects. As the order of ranking principles, we used the overall top 10,000 scientists list primarily. Secondly and thirdly, we used the ranking in the top 100,000 and top 200.000 scientists list. Fourthly, the total number of scientists in the AD Scientific Index was ranked by the university. In the case of equalities within a university ranking, we used the highest rank of the scientist in the respective university as it is listed in the world ranking.

You may sort the ranking from the highest score to the lowest or vice versa in any of these fields. You can observe the fields, which move the respective university to the forefront. Furthermore, the name of the academician with the highest total h-index in the respective university is displayed with the world ranking. Top University Ranking by “AD Scientific Index” will not only list the areas, where a university is the best or has room for improvement, but also reflect the outcomes of scientist policies of the institutions. This report reveals the competency of institutions to attract prized scientists and the ability of institutions to encourage advances and retain scientists.

Ranking Criteria for Countries:

As described in the university ranking section, it is not easy to obtain and standardize data from about 13,600 universities for the country ranking. Therefore, we based our ranking system on the number of meritorious scientists. Four criteria are used to rank the countries. The first one is the number of scientists in the top 10,000 list. The second and third criterion are the number of scientists in the top 100,000 and top 200.000 list. The fourth one is the number of scientists listed in the AD Scientific Index. In the case of equalities after applying all these four criteria, the world rank of the meritorious scientist of that country is used.  

World Top 100 Scientists 2021

The ranking of “Top 100” scientists is based on total h-index scores. Top 100 scientists can be ranked globally or specific to the following regions including Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America, Oceania, Arab League, EECA, BRICS, USAN, and COMESA based on total h-index scores without any breakdown by subject areas. Top 100 rankings in the world, in a continent, or a region include standardized subjects areas of Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design and Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering & Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law/Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. Subjects indicated as “others” will not be included in the ranking by regions and subjects. Therefore, you may wish to specify your subject and branch and contribute in order to standardize your performance. Determining the subjects/departments, to which scientific fields would belong, may seem easy in some branches and in a variety of countries. However, it may create considerable confusion in some other countries, regions, and schools. We would like to emphasize that the following fields including Engineering, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Biology, Biochemistry, Material Science, Biotechnology, Chemistry, and Social Sciences may exist in quite variable spectrums in different countries. Therefore, we would like to stress that the standardization of subjects and branches has not been easy. To perform standardizations, we accepted the official names of the institutions and academic branches as accurate in the way that they were specified on the university website. We have developed this strategy in order to standardize this complex situation at least partially. Furthermore, we started a procedure to add an asterisk as “*” at the end of the names of the authors when a scientific paper of interest included many authors such as CERN’s scientific papers.

Limitations of the “AD Scientific Index”: Missing or Inaccurate Profiles or Missing Institution Names

This index is a comparative platform developed by ranking accessible and verified profiles. First and foremost, not being included in this index for various reasons does not indicate that the academician is not prized or it does not mean that only those academicians listed in the index are the prized ones. This needs to be carefully noted. A meritorious scientist may not have been included in this index because of not having a Google Scholar profile or our lack of access to that profile for various reasons. The unavailability of verified Google Scholar profiles of scientists, who work in well-known and respected academic institutions in respective countries, may prevent us from finding institutions and scientist profiles. Because updating the profiles in the system and collection of data from open sources require efforts and because the data have been collected for the first time, it is not possible for the index to be completely free of errors. Accurate and instant updating of profiles and institution names requires an endless workload that no institution can overcome only with available resources despite all endeavors.

A high h-index (WOS, Scopus, Publon, etc.) does not mean that a profile will be automatically created for the academician in Google Scholar. Indeed, Google Scholar profiles are created and made public by scientists themselves on a voluntary basis. An individual may not have created a profile for various reasons and, therefore, will not be listed in the "AD Scientific Index". Furthermore, a profile can be rejected or may not be listed at a particular time.  It needs to be considered that, at the time of our search, a profile may not exist or may not be public, some profiles may be public only at particular times, the information in the profile may not be standard, there may be more than one profile belonging to the same person, the profiles may not be verified, the name of the institution can be missing, surnames or institution names can change, profile owners may have died, or known or unforeseen problems may happen. However, missing information is completed in the system regularly and the list is updated and corrected continuously. Profiles; whose owners have passed away, are removed from the system.

When we detect or be informed of unethical situations in profile information that go beyond the limits of goodwill, the person is excluded from the list. You can report problematic and misleading profiles on our “Rejection List” page. As individuals are responsible for the accuracy of their profiles, organizations, too, should include the need for reviewing academic staff profiles in the agenda.

Articles with thousands of authors such as CERN studies in the field of physics or scientific studies with more than one author in classification studies in medicine or statistical studies raise debates about the requirements for the amount of the article content belonging to one author. Because such papers may cause inequality of opportunity, a separate grouping system may be needed in the future.

Pros and cons of "ranking" systems including Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, and similar others are well known and the limits of use of such systems have long been recognized in the scientific community. Therefore, interpreting this study beyond these limits may lead to incorrect results. The “AD Scientific Index” needs to be evaluated considering all of the abovementioned potential limitations.

Comparisons of Ranking Systems

In addition to ranking lists of scientists, consisting of many tables and charts of trends analyses to be delivered for the first time, this comprehensive system offers several data and analysis results that will importantly provide an added value to branches and institutions within the limits of inherent advantages and limitations. We would like to kindly emphasize that comparisons should not be performed between two branches, either of which having different potentials to produce scientific papers. For example, it is not correct to expect the same number of articles from completely different branches such as law, social sciences, music, physics, or biochemistry. Ranking comparisons should not overlook the inherent potentials of branches to produce publications. For this reason, we try to primarily involve observations within the same subject/department and recent productivity.

Could this work have been designed in another way?

It is not possible to exactly measure the research capacity of a university or scientist by using a few parameters. Assessments should include many other types of data such as patents, research funds, incentives, published books, tutoring intensity, congress presentations, and graduate and doctoral teaching positions. As a frequently voiced criticism, we have been asked why the Web of Science h-index is not used. Since it is not possible to have access to the entire data covering all academic components such as the h-indexes of the Web of Science, Scopus, or Publons, etc., or the organizations, patents, awards, etc. Therefore, only available qualified data have been included.

What's in the "AD Scientific Index"?

The "AD Scientific Index" includes nearly 210 countries, more than 13,600 universities, and nearly a million academicians.

The "AD Scientific Index" provides data from all over the world. Besides providing data globally, the system presents data by continents including Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America, and Oceania. In addition, data are presented by countries and country groups including Arab League, EECA, BRICS, USAN, and COMESA. When the country flag in the list is clicked, researchers ranked in the first 50 in that country are listed. When the name of the university is clicked, researchers ranked in the first 50 in that university are listed. In addition, it is possible to select a specialty area from the list below to see the ranking specific to the selected field of research (squared area 1 on Figure 1).

Figure 1. Sample AD Index Page

When one of the following subjects including Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design and Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering & Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law/Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences is selected, the system will list the names of the scientists from all around the world working specifically in the selected subject area (squared area 2 on Figure 1). Selecting a region or a group such as Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America, Oceania, Arab Leageu, EECA, BRICS, USAN, or COMESA will provide you the list of scientists working in the specified field only in the selected region or group. It is possible to see the ranking in the world or the ranking by the region within the subcategories of the abovelisted fields.

You can use the search domain to look for a specific name, country, university, subject, or any other word. The search results will be sorted to rank the most related result at the top and the least related one at the bottom (squared area 3 on Figure 1).  

The square-4 shows the scientist’s rank in the institution, country, region, and world based on Google Scholar’s “total h-index”.

Selecting a name in the squared area 4a will provide the total h-index, the last five year’s h-index, and the citation scores; all of which being the unique differentiation points of the “AD Scientific Index” across other index and ranking systems  (Figure 2).

Figure 2. List of the total h-index, the last five year’s h-index, and the citation scores

Selecting a flag in the country domain will list the ranking of the selected country (squared area 5 on Figure 1).

Selecting a logo and a name in the university domain will provide the ranking of the selected university (squared area 6 on Figure 1).

The subject domain shows the subject and interest areas of the scientist. The square containing the figures 7a, 7b, 7c, and 7d presents examples. Example 7d shows a subject included incorrectly. In addition, irregular areas or blank areas with missing information may occur. Because such areas will not be included in the subject listings, you may submit a correction request by filling out the “Correction Form”.

Squared areas 8, 9, and 10 provide the total and the last 5 years’ h-index, i10 index, and citation scores. In addition, the productivity analysis and the ratio of the last 5 years’ scores to the total score can be retrieved as the unique differentiation points of the “AD Scientific Index”.

The “University Ranking” page will soon deliver country and institution rankings (squared area 11 on Figure 1).

The “Top 100” and “Highly Cited Researcher” lists can be retrieved by clicking the buttons marked by squares 12 and 14. 

You can report an issue for the “Reject List” by clicking the button marked by square 13.

You can retrieve sample country or region reports by clicking the button marked by square 15. Information in this domain will be revised soon.

How will the new rankings be updated in the “AD Scientific Index”?

Updates and new rankings will be available through the current list of profiles and the pool of academicians that would expand along with new subscriptions.

How can I be included in the “AD Scientific Index”?

First of all, you must have a Google Scholar profile and this profile must be set to PUBLIC. If you do not have a Google Scholar profile, you can create a profile at https://scholar.google.com/ and add your published scientific articles. It is the liability of the scientist to ensure the accuracy and the ethical aspects of the profile. Furthermore, it is recommended that institutions would check the profiles of respective employees. We would like to remind you that you should check your profile regularly and keep it updated. Published scientific papers added to your profile may cause ethical issues if they do not belong to you.

Is there a specified lower limit for the h-index and i10 index scores or the number of citations to be included in “AD Scientific Index”?

For SUBMISSIONS, no lower limits have been specified for the number of citations or the h-index or i10-index scores to be included in the “AD Scientific Index”. We request a small contribution as a processing fee for the sustainability and independence of this system, which has been developed through the hard work of many people without receiving any institutional or financial support. The contribution you would provide will be used for the services such as the maintenance of the robust infrastructure, staffing, system updates, rigorous checks of corrections and additions, and standardization.

If you have a Google Scholar profile but you have not been included in the list yet, you can be included in “AD Scientific Index” via the following two ways:

INDIVIDUAL SUBMISSIONS: Upon the receipt of the “data processing fee”, submitted profiles and correction requests are uploaded in 1-5 days. Please refer to the payments page. If you are from a HIGH-INCOME ECONOMY COUNTRY ($12,536 OR MORE) based on the World Bank Classification, you will be requested to pay 30 US Dollars or 25 Euros or 22 British Pounds to be included in the index in an expedited way. Individuals from other countries will be required to pay 24 US Dollars or 20 Euros for an expedited individual submission.

INSTITUTIONAL SUBMISSIONS: Institutions can submit a list of staff scientists, who have not yet been included in the AD Scientific Index, and receive a registration discount. Institutions can also apply for corrections. For any submission, please download the enclosed Excel file and fill out the required fields completely. (Excel) Scientists listed by the institution will be included in "AD Scientific Index" within 1-7 days after the profile checks. Thus, an institution can examine the total and the last 5 years’ h-index and i10 index scores, numbers of citations, and productivity of employee scientists. In the same way, you can observe the accurate ranking of your university in the country, region, and the world, along with any respective progress in total and in the last 5 years. In corporate applications, the fee for individual submissions will be subject to a discount of 20%. As stated in the above article, the individual registration fee ranges from 24 $ to 30 US$ based on the economic status of the country. The institutional registration fee is calculated by multiplying the individual application fee of the relevant country by the number of people in the institution list and applying a 20% discount to the obtained figure. After the calculated amount is deposited into our bank account with the correct IBAN, please send the receipt, the invoice address of your institution, and the complete Excel file filled out with required information to info@adscientificindex.com. سيتم إرسال الفاتورة إلكترونيًا إلى عنوان الفاتورة المؤسسية المحدد.

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© 2021 "AD Scientific Index Ltd." عالم العالم وتصنيفات الجامعات 2021 ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة

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