Internation Journal of Computer Science And Information Technology Research Excellence(IJCSITRE)
International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Research Excellence (IJASTRE) | 2250-2718/2250-2726 | 2.46 |
International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IIJE) | 2226-2717/2226-3500 | 2.67 |
European Journal of Academic Essays (EJAE) | 2183-1904 | 2.49 |
International Design Journal (IDJ) | 2090-9632/2090-9640 | 2.89 |
Bioscience Discovery (BD) | 2229-3469/2231-024x | 2.17 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research(IJPSDR) | 0975-248X | 3.012 |
International Research Journal of Humanities, Engineering & Pharmaceutical Sciences(IJHEPS) | 2320-2955/2249-2569 | 3.037 |
Advanced Management Science(AMS) | 2222-4955/2222-4963 | 2.79 |
International Journal of Digital Library Services(IJDLS) | 2349-302X/2250-1142 | 2.81 |
Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management(AIEM) | 2222-7059/2222-7067 | 2.617 |
International Review of Management and Business Research(IRMBR) | 2307-5953/2306-9007 | 2.13 |
International Journal of Economic and Business Management (IJEBM) | 2384-6151 | 1.021 |
International Journal of English Literature and Culture(IJELC) | 2360-7831 | 1.607 |
International Journal of Political Science and Development(IJPSD) | 2360-784X | 1.312 |
International Journal of Academic Library and Information Science(IJALIS) | 2360-7858 | 1.107 |
International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review(IJARER) | 2360-7866 | 1.157 |
Academic Research Journal of Biotechnology(ARJB) | 2384-616X | 0.413 |
Academic Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Research(ARJASR) | 2360-7874 | 0.312 |
. Academic Research Journal of Psychology and Counselling(ARJPC) | 2384-6178 | 0.819 |
International Journal of Dental and Health Sciences (IJDHS) | 2348-5280 | 2.78 |
Journal der Pharmazie Forschung | 2321-4368 | 2.81 |
International Journal of Applied research & Studies (iJARS). | 2278-9480 | 2.43 |
International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences (IJUPBS) | 2319-8141 | 2.91 |
Asian Global Research(AGR) | 2349-1574 | 2.16 |
Advances in Language and Literary Studies(ALLS) | 2203-4714/2203-4714 | 3.27 |
International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy(IJPEE) | 2314-7318/2314-730X | 3.18 |
Mathematica Aeterna- International Journal for Pure and Applied Mathematics(MA-IJPAM) | 1314-3336/1314-3344 | 2.89 |
Life Science Journal (LSJ) | 1097-8135/2372-613X | 3.93 |
International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (IJPT) | 0975-766X | 2.67 |
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) | 2307-4531/2307-4531 | 3.76 |
International Journal of Information Security(IJIS) | 2382-2619/2356-5845 | 1.31 |
International Journal of Data Mining Techniques and Applications | 2278-2419 | 1.67 |
International Journal of Computer International Journal of Internet and Web Applications | 2382-2554/2356-5861 | 1.32 |
Octa Journal of Environmental Research | 2321 – 3655/2321 – 3655 | 1.53 |
European journal of molecular biology and biochemistry | 2348 – 2192/2348 - 2206 | Under Processin |
Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab - Email:ehab10f@gmail.com
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