
الاثنين، أكتوبر 21، 2019


1. Compound Interest

Compound Interest’ is a blog that is wholly dedicated to bravely exploring the chemistry and chemical reactions that we engage with and surround us every day. Author, Andy Brunning, is a chemistry teacher in the UK. Brunning's creative infographic centric posts and concise writing make this blog nothing short of a fascinating. Due to the success of Compound Interest' social channels and blog there will soon be a book release which will be based on some of the content on the site. The new written work will revolve around chemical explanations for oddities and effects in our food and drink. Some of Compound Interest' latest blog topics include: The Chemical Structures of Vitamins, The Chemistry of Champagne, and The Chemistry of Poisons.
Read it here Compound Interest
Top10 Chemistry Blogs You Should Read

2. Emily Reacts

Emily Reacts is one of the most fascinating blogs in the chemistry realm that crossed our paths. This blog is refreshing, authentic, and transparent. What makes Emily Reacts unique is how the author is transparently documenting her journey through academia as she pursues a PhD in natural products chemistry. Besides carrying a modern design and beautiful photography, Emily's blog covers a variety of topics. These include chemistry, academia, cooking, cycling, travel, roller derby, and great writing. This blog ventures to stretch the perception of the public as it pertains to science and what the life of a scientist realistically looks like.
Read it here Emily Reacts
10 Chemistry Blogs You Should Read

3. Chemistry World Blog

Chemistry World Blog is one of the most widely read Chemistry blogs on the internet. With an entire team made up of incredibly gifted authors expressing their own opinions, this blog is definitely a quality content powerhouse. Readers can expect a phenomenal mixture of the chemistry discussion and news. Additionally, this blog is partnered with The Royal Society of Chemistry. To say it has credentials is an overstatement. Recent posts have touched on a myriad of topics which include The Invention of Matches, an inside look at peer reviews, and Sleep Deprivation and Science.
Read it here Chemistry World Blog

Top10 Chemistry Blogs You Should Read4. Picture It... Chemistry

Picture It...Chemistry is a blog compiled by a hand full of students and staff at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. At it's heart, this blog is a genuine group project. Upon visiting the blog, there is no doubt left in the readers mind that there is great respect for the power of communication that lies within in pictures. This chemistry blog is one of the few that are uniquely visually driven. What sets them apart from other blogs is the fact that their imagery is exclusively original content. All of the image are graciously accompanied with explanations of why certain molecular images were chosen and how they are made. When reading this blog you can count on two people being involved with each post to insure accountability, a basic explanation of the scientific background, and deeper details for Chemistry professionals.
Read it here Picture It...Chemistry
Top10 Chemistry Blogs You Should Read

5. Doctor Galactic and The Lab Coat Cowboy

This eccentric blog is chock full of humor, socially driven chemistry content, academic pursuits, and a heavy dose of authenticity. Named after the cult classic character Dr. Who and an Elton John album, The Doctor Galactic and The Lab Cowboy Blog is nothing short of a fresh perspective in what chemistry blogs should look like. One of the convenient aspects of this blog is not being bombarded with multiple posts a week. The author, Jason, usually posts about 1 time per month. The author's expertise lies within photochemistry (a form of chemistry centered upon using light to perform chemical reactions). If you are looking for a blog with credentials to back its posts, look no further. Jason is a publishing editor at the Royal Society of Chemistry. You will definitely want to tune into this blog in 2015 especially given a launch of a unique and new comic strip dedicated to chemistry entitled "The Lab Cowboy". If you want to keep tabs on what is happening in real time just search Twitter for the hashtag #RealTimeChem.
Top10 Chemistry Blogs You Should Read

6. the Chemical blog

The appeal of the Chemical blog is simple: an interesting opportunity for readers to learn. The Author of the Chemical blog, Richard, is no stranger to chemistry. He is currently working for a large chemical manufacturing company, but don't let that deter you from reading. The transparent writing on this blog is really seen in the desire of the author himself to grow and learn. The Chemical blog really strives to bring chemistry content to life in an interesting reflective manner with great passion. This is also a great blog to comment on due to the conversational nature of the blog. Some of the features you can count on reading on this site include visually driven chemistry content (such as videos, infographics pictures, etc.), informative writing, guides, news, and plenty of interviews.
Read it here the Chemical blog

10 Chemistry Blogs You Should Read

7. Master Organic Chemistry

It may come as a surprise, but chemistry is not often understood naturally by a large percentage of people. The Master Organic Chemistry blog is an exhaustive online tour guide to resolving problems in the wonderful world of organic chemistry. The blog is a wealth of info and resources for those who may be just getting their start in organic chemistry. Take it from the author himself, "Master Organic Chemistry is the site I wish I had when I was learning the subject. " Some of the resources on this blog include study and exam tips and insights, summary sheets, and organic chemistry indexes.
Top10 Chemistry Blogs You Should Read

8. ChemBark

If you've read a chemistry blog before, there's a high probability it was ChemBark. This blog gives a clear and honest perspective on the world of chemistry and chemical research. ChemBark is authored by NYU and Harvard grad Dr. Paul Bracher. On this blog you can readily expect honest discussion of experiments, academic politics, and new ideas. One of the unique perspectives of this blog is due to Dr. Bracher being an active professor of organic Chemistry, prebiotic Chemistry, electrochemistry, inorganic Chemistry at St. Louis University.
Read it here ChemBark

Top10 Chemistry Blogs You Should Read

9. Med-Chemist

Dr. Umesh is an organic chemist with a vast amount of experience within the realm of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and specialty chemicals. Outside of Blogging, the author is now teaching Chemistry. This blog is a great resource for readers who are interested in medical chemistry. Topics covered might include the latest in medical chemistry research and development news and a bevy of advanced chemistry topics.
Read it here Med-Chemist

Top10 Chemistry Blogs You Should Read

10. Labsolutely

Read it here Labsolutely

Best Wishes: Dr.Ehab Aboueladab -

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